Client Portal
Mix Preparation Guidelines:
All of the below is absolutely necessary to insure the mix will be delivered by the set deadline.
Negotiated rate includes two recalls of the project for clients to make adjustments.
Additional recalls will incur additional costs.
Pro Tools:
Please include a copy of the current reference mix. This is used to verify that all tracks have been sent.
In the current Pro Tools session with all plugins automation, panning and volume levels intact, use the "save a copy in" function and make sure you select "All Audio Files". This insures that all audio will be copied into one session file folder.
Only deliver the tracks you want in your song. Multiple playlists or anything in question should be decided on prior to sending Brian the session.
Properly name all audio tracks and keep it simple. (For example: “Gtr” for “guitar.” Not "Guitar + Neve + Distressor.”) For drum overheads, please label the perspective. (For example: OH-Hat and OH-Ride.) Please do the same for room mics. (For example: “Room-hat and Room-ride.”)
Render all elastic audio and make sure the session tempo is correct.
Consolidate ALL audio files from the beginning of the session to the end of the session. Please make sure that all fades and crossfades are correct before consolidating to prevent unwanted pops and clicks in the audio.
All Autotune, Melodyne, or other pitch correction effects must be printed.
Logic and Non-Pro Tools DAWs:
Please include a copy of the current reference mix. This is used to verify that all tracks have been sent.
If you are working in a non-Pro Tools DAW, all of the tracks need to be exported as .WAV audio files as well as your full DAW session.
Only deliver the tracks you want in your song. Multiple playlists or anything in question should be decided on prior to sending the audio files.
Properly name all audio tracks and keep it simple. (For example: “Gtr” for “guitar.” Not "Guitar + Neve + Distressor.”) For drum overheads, please label the perspective. (For example: OH-Hat and OH-Ride.) Please do the same for room mics. (For example: “Room-hat and Room-ride.”)
Logic users, please watch the video and follow the instructions to insure the audio tracks are being properly exported:
For lead vocal tracks, please send a copy dry (no effects) and with effects.
All Autotune, Melodyne, or other pitch correction effects must be printed.
It is recommended to export stacks of strings, horns, backing vocals, etc. as a stereo blend that is currently being referenced in the reference mix. This ensures that all volume and panning settings of the tracks are kept together.
After exporting audio files, label the folder with the song's tempo, sample rate and bit depth.
(For example: "Song Title"- 132 BPM 24-bit 48k)